3 Things to Get You Ready for Opening Day
Though businesses in the U.S. are slowly beginning to re-open, it’s unrealistic to think that any company can simply resume day-to-day operations. It will require careful navigation and a customer-centric approach that prioritizes safety and security.
That being said, customers are ready to move past “lockdown life” and get back to some semblance of normal. And when they get the green light to do so, you’ll want to make sure your business is ready to meet them where they’re at.
Here are 3 things you should be doing now to gear up for the NEW normal.
1) Invest in Appropriate Signage
Before you open, make sure you’ve got all the signage you need to give your customers guidance and peace of mind. This could be social distancing signs, handwashing posters, or signage showing that certain areas of your store are off limits. Think table tents, stanchions, or floor decals. You can even invest in branded products that will promote your brand and help promote best practices at the same time.
2) Consider Custom Packaging
The re-opening of most companies is not going to happen overnight – business owners will have to test out the waters and make adjustments as they go. And even when physical doors do open, customers are still going to limit their public exposure. This is a perfect opportunity for companies to focus on the things they’re shipping and pay close attention to their product packaging. If you’re not able to greet all your customers in person, do what you can behind-the-scenes to make a good first impression.
3) Focus on Productive Partnerships
While we have no doubt that ALL companies are eager to re-open, we encourage you not to go at it alone. Business owners will need to put 110% of their focus on operations and logistics – there won’t be time to focus on marketing or creative. Outsourcing your creative to a reputable design company will not just save you time and money, but also help to decrease stress so you can focus fully on the growth and direction of your business.
Dark Horse Design is here to help you get ready for opening day – give us a call at (732) 922-6525 to get started!
P.S. Have you seen our new custom branded face coverings? Add these to your list of must-haves for employees on opening day!