
Speaking to Your Customers During a Crisis


Communication is key when it comes to retaining your customers, especially during a crisis.
Your tone, intentions, and daily interactions all reflect on how your business is showing up for them.  

Every business should be putting the needs of their customers first - here are some tips on how to get started.  

Clarify Your Website

Let’s face it: there’s already plenty of misinformation and false promises on the internet, and you don’t need to jump on that bandwagon. This is the perfect opportunity to get laser-focused on your website and online presence. Make sure you’re using cohesive messaging, clearly communicating your benefits, and providing specific solutions. 

Be Transparent and Responsive

Long wait times, unresolved questions, lack of human interaction – these are not new aspects of a bad customer experience. But given the circumstances, it’s more important than ever to respond quickly and efficiently. Put more thought into your replies and have a dedicated team member to handle any business inquiries. 

Add More Follow-Up to Your Email Campaigns

Consider mixing in more follow-up emails to your marketing campaigns. Add content that will reassure your customers, like the product reviews, positive testimonials, or FAQ’s to address any potential concerns and reinforce their decisions.

Avoid Confusion Marketing/Being Overly Salesy  

Right now, customers don’t need a sales pitch, they need valuable solutions. Don’t focus on why your company is the best or how you outshine your competitors – focus on how your product or service can solve an immediate need. 

Create Human Touchpoints 

Customers want to feel noticed and appreciated, not like a means to an end. Create human “touch points” along the way – opportunities to have real conversations with real people. Follow up with your leads by phone, send a thank you email, or simply check in with existing customers.  Relate to their present circumstances, use empowering language, and paint a clear picture of how you’re here to help.  

Communicating with your customers during this crisis can have a major impact on their future purchasing decisions. Many of us will come out this situation wondering who had our backs, so make sure your customers know you’re in their corner.   

Dark Horse Design is your friendly, professional design agency in NJ – visit us online to see how we help businesses acquire loyal, lifelong customers today.