
Managing Overwhelm & Underperformance in the Workplace

The pandemic has left a huge portion of the American workforce not only working from home, but wanting to work remotely for the indefinite future. And while there are definite benefits for these employees, like no commute and greater work-life balance, it’s not always advantageous for the company paying their salary.

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Even the most skilled workers can struggle to work remotely when they’re used to the office dynamic. Businesses reach out to us for creative support for many reasons, including when their employees are not meeting goals, deadlines, or expectations.

It may be harder for them to:

  • Get into a daily routine

  • Access the right tools and technology

  • Keep work and play separate

And easier for them to:

  • Become disorganized and/or careless

  • Make excuses or lose track of time on breaks

  • Get distracted and lose productivity

Of course, you always want to give your employees the benefit of the doubt. You also want to be patient and understanding because there is a learning curve when someone is making such a major and sudden transition.

But at the end of the day, business carries on and the work still needs to get done. And not ALL employees will have the best interests of their employer in mind. People get comfortable with the idea of having more time and freedom, and when that happens, companies need to know there is another option.

Outsourcing your marketing and creative needs to a professional agency is a great way to keep business moving when you a) have employees that are underperforming b) don’t have the resources you used to or c) simply want to give your employees more support.

Our team can step in on a part or full-time basis to help move your company to the front of the pack in these socially distant times. More specifically, we can lead the charge when it comes to nurturing your leads and customers, driving traffic to your website, and bringing in more sales. From email campaigns and strategic online promotions to brand revamps and digital toolkits, our creative professionals are always ready and willing to take on the next challenge.

We are well aware of how an unexpected turn of events can stop things from getting done. And when you need top-shelf web, creative, or design services on short notice, rest assured that we’ll be here to deliver.

Christine RusinComment